"One has learned when one has developed new understanding or capacity." A.H. Schoenfeld, 1999 IMPORTANT LEARNER ASPECTS Capacities and Capabilities (refers to physiological and intellectual prerequisites, previous knowledge concerning the topic) Interests, learning strategies, metacognitions, conceptions of learning, motivation, emotions, attitudes, content, social competencies, etc. 2 FACTORS ESSENTIAL IN LEARNING 1. SOCIAL CONTACTS AND RELATIONSHIP TO PEOPLE (communities of practice, communities of communication, and cooperation; family, classmates, teachers, peers, community members) 2. LEARNING OBJECT (learning materials - tools, videos, tape, multimedia products, physical objects, artifacts, and virtual learning tools) *Environment in which learning takes place influences learning. It includes structure, condition, and access to the environment itself. LEARNING GOALS are a combination of: 1. Declarative Knowledge (Knowing What) 2. Skills (Kn...